Graduate Student Counseling

Graduate student counseling can be an effective resource for student success. Helping professionals receive extensive training and guidance on refining their skills to help others. Unfortunately, the development of their ability to attend to their own well-being is not often an integral part of formal training.

graduate student counselingBetween school, practicum/internship, peer relationship dynamics (e.g., cohort, practicum/intern), and maintaining relationships with family and friends that have not experienced graduate school; the demands faced are countless. Balancing the many personalities, technicalities, and expectations required can be overwhelming at times.

Every person’s situation is unique. Some graduate students experience similar challenges to our college students. Other areas that our graduate student counseling often addresses include:

  • Self-care, balance, and burnout prevention
  • Impact of being a graduate student/medical resident on social/intimate relationships
  • Supervisor and peer/colleague relationships
  • Managing different learning styles in graduate school and throughout professional training experiences
  • Practicum, internship, residency, and/or licensure processes
  • Dissertation and thesis
  • Career development strategies
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