Independent Educational Evaluation

Are you looking for a psychologist to test your child for an IEE (Independent Educational Evaluation)?

Does your child receive help (IEP, 504, informal accommodations) at school, that is not working?

Does your child need help at school (emotionally, behaviorally, academically)?

Well, look no further! LDI is here to help!independent educational evaluation

Give us a call at (310) 855-3276. You can also read our website to learn more about our testing services.

Our testing examines multiple areas that can impact learning. We focus on providing specific recommendations that can help people be successful at school, home, and with their peers.

If you are trying to work on this process yourself, we hope these blogs we wrote are helpful to you:

IEP: What is an IEP and Does My Child Need One?

Evaluation for Special Education. This post includes a sample letter template to help you request a free evaluation from your school district.

Requesting an IEE: Independent Educational Evaluation. This post includes a sample letter template to ask for a free independent evaluation from your school district. Above all, if you live within 75-miles of our Woodland Hills or Bakersfield, California locations, you can select our agency to help your family.

I Requested An IEE: What Happens Next. Lastly, this post includes a sample letter if your initial IEE request is denied.

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